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Fundraising Revenues & Expenses

Our latest ABA Executive Benchmark explored fundraising revenues generated and expenses HR policies at arts and cultural organizations.

Highlights from the survey include:

  • In comparison to the last pre-pandemic year, 50% of respondents reported increased portions of contributed income over total operating revenue.

  • 72% of respondents project an increase in fundraising in 2025/FY25.

  • For most surveyed organizations, individual giving constitutes over 41% of total contributed income and has increased compared to the previous fiscal year.

  • In the upcoming year, most organizations will focus on annual funds and major gifts as part of their individual giving fundraising strategies.

  • Over the last three years, only 9% of respondents decreased their budgets allocated to development and fundraising. All other organizations either maintained or increased their budgets. These trends will continue in 2025, with 94% of survey respondents maintaining or increasing their development budgets in 2025.

  • While 70% of development teams are relatively small (under 6FTE), over the past three years, more than half of surveyed organizations have hired new leadership and/or created new development positions.

  • Looking back at the last three years, close to three-quarters of organizations have an annual  donor renewal rate greater than 50%.

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